Responsible Behavior
We are focusing on what positive responsible behavior looks like. We know that when the clean up music, or another quiet signal happens, we stop immediately and listen to directions. We know that we must push in our own chair and clean up our own mess. Then we come calmy to the carpet. Today, if kids did that, they earned the chance to be the "teacher."
Audrey got to point to the sight words...
And Alana got to dismiss quiet kids to recess!
I hope we all get to have turns being the teacher!
Today was our first day using our handwriting books. We have been practicing on our iPads with LetterSchool, but now we must practice with paper and pencil now that our hands know the direction. We worked on letter A. We know we start at the top and the big A goes from the top to the bottom (it's a "sky" letter), and little a starts at the middle line and goes around, back up, and then we add a tail (this is a "grass" letter).
Here is a visual of the sky, grass, and dirt letters.
Michael took his time and made sure he did his best work!
Reid used one finger space between his letters! Good job!