We had a very fun day today! We had some visitors to our classroom today...snails! They are part of our science unit and we will be practicing our observational skills and comparing them to the worms and pill bugs we get in a few weeks. We observed them this morning and then got to touch them this afternoon!
Some of us observed the snails this morning and others read up on snails to learn more!
Kneque loved holding a snail!
Mikaela loved it too!
Justin was a happy camper to be playing with the snails!
We had so many brave kids who touched the snails!
We observed a snail foaming and realized that they did this when they were scared. Our observations helped us decide this.
We made apple stained glass today to help us celebrate apple week! We worked so hard to make our apples look delicious!
Your child's apple will be coming home tomorrow! Make sure to check their backpack!