Thursday, March 31, 2016
Outside Free Choice
With the beautiful weather, free choice moves outside! This gives the kids a chance to play and be free outside for a little bit in the afternoon. The kids were so excited about this new choice!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Spin a Number
We started playing a new math game called Spin a Number. We have to spin our groups of ten and then our ones to make a number. We build the number with our base 10 blocks and then write the number.
Max watches as Paige writes the number they spun.
Melody checks with her partner to make sure their number matches.
Dushawn watches as Jaden writes their number.
Sammie spins her number and builds it. Dunnigan watches to make sure she is counting accurately.
Iain spins for how many tens their number will have.
Justin and Alivia count by tens to build their number.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Naturalist in Residence
Did you know that our school wetlands has tiny little invertebrate animals that call it home? We found them today!
We learned that invertebrates are animals that don't have bones inside of them. We took a walk to the wetlands with our container ready to take a water sample.
Then we got to take our very own water sample.
Then we came back to the classroom and examined our samples. We used hand microscopes and recorded our invertebrates on our journal. We had to look at what we found and compare them to known invertebrates.
Sight Word Expert Max
We have our first sight word expert! Max passed all 220 of his sight words this morning. He has been dedicated to practicing his words every night and the hard work paid off.
We have many students that are getting close to becoming sight word experts! Keep practicing!
Monday, March 28, 2016
Computer Lab
We love computer lab on Monday afternoons. We work on being able to navigate a computer and we gain computer skills like using a mouse. We practice ABC Mouse and Raz Kids each week in the computer lab. You can do these at home too!
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Thursdays are fluency day in reading group. We work on reading a page of simple sentences to build up our reading fluency, which is reading smoothly. We are getting better and better with reading smoothly and the kids are becoming more confident in their abilities.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Rainbow Wind Socks
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, we made a rainbow wind sock. They turned out so well! Ask your child how we made them.
The finished products! They will go home on Thursday for you to enjoy on St. Patrick's Day.
Monday, March 14, 2016
We Love Writing!
We love our writers workshop time! To remind you, we have 5 stations that the kids work through.
1. Special project- this can be sticker story, thumbprint story, or publishing a class book. This is an independent writing time for the kids.
2/3/4. Writing- during stations 2,3 and 4, students are writing in their journals. I roam around and conference with these kids as they write. Students in station 4 get more time with me because they will be publishing the next school day.
5. Publishing- I type up the kids' story that they want to publish and have it ready for them at the publishing station. They get to use the nice sharpened colored pencils and special crayons. This is also an independent station.
Iain is working hard during his writing station.
Nick and Dunnigan work hard to publish their books.
Justin is focused on illustrating his book.
Jaden and Paige talk about their writing during their station.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Silver Spoon!
In our cafeteria we have been working on quiet voices while eating and when an adult is speaking. We have been superstars at this and have earned the best class of the week twice in a row! Way to go kindergatners!
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Artist in Residence
We had our next session of our PTA sponsored artist in residence today with Mrs. King. We worked on a piece of community art. We focused on the artwork of Georgia O'Keffe and specifically, her flowers.
Monday, March 7, 2016
New Math Game
We learned a math game today that will remain a math choice the rest of the year. It is called Shake Shake Shake.
We had fun playing this game that helps us learn our math facts. Today we worked on addition facts to 5. Tomorrow we will practice facts to 6.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Happy 100th Day
What a fun day we had!
I used a fun app called Aging Booth to make us look like we were 100!

Our collections were great!
I used a fun app called Aging Booth to make us look like we were 100!
Look at the grandmas and grandpas!
We attempted to read 100 books in 15 minutes...and we did it! We read 164 books!
We also tried to write 100 words in 5 minutes...and we wrote 203 words! Wow!
We loved making our 100 snack. We got 10 pieces of 10 different snacks and it was tasty.
Our collections were great!
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