Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy 100th Day of School!

Wow! What an incredibly fun day we have had! We are 100 days smarter now that we have been in kindergarten for 100 days!

I am so impressed with how dressed up we all got! I almost didn't recognize all the little old ladies and little old men when I went to pick them up this morning! 

Our silly picture!

And our whole group!

We had two 100 day challenges this morning... can we read 100 books? And can we write 100 words?

Boy, did we meet these challenges! We read 212 books in 20 minutes and we wrote 252 words in 20 minutes! Great job kindergartners! 

We then made our 100 snack! We had many varieties of snacks and we all enjoyed every bite!

We also used our snack mat for a painting project! 10 dots in 10 sections makes 100 dots! 

And to top it off, we wanted to know what we would really look like when we turned 100! The aging booth app helps us find out! Check out a few of us!

Monday, February 23, 2015

We Are Tooth Defenders!

We have been learning about how to keep our teeth strong and clean! Our poem this week reminded us that we need to: brush slowly, brush the front, back, and between our teeth, and we need to floss! 

We read a book and a short movie about theTooth Defenders. They are kids that take on the role of protecting our teeth from Placulus, the bad guy. We must reduce the amount of sugar we eat to help keep him away! Brushing and flossing help keep him away too.

We then made our tooth craft. Take a look at our work!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Magic E Detectives!

We were detectives today and went on a hunt for words with short a (like cat) and long a (like cake). The kids had so much fun searching for the words hidden around the room. We are learning how the magic e changes the a sound and how to sound out these words.

Food Adventures!

We had our first Food Adventure lesson with Ms. Clara! It was so fun! 

We started by learning about My Plate. We learned about the 5 healthy food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy.

Then we played Guess the Food! We stuck our hands in the box and had to feel the vegetable and guess what it was...does your child remember what it was?

It was a beet!

We got to sample a frozen raspberry and a piece of beet.

We learned that if we like it, we can say, "Yum!" But if we don't like it we can say, "interesting" or "no, thank you." What manners we have! 

We then got to watch Ms. Clara make a beet and raspberry smoothie! Yum! You will each get a copy of the recipe tomorrow! 

This was the page we worked on while we were waiting patiently for our smoothie.

Noah loved his smoothie!

Asher enjoyed his 3-Food Group smoothie!