Wednesday, February 24, 2016


We filled the coin jar last week and to celebrate we voted on a movie and popcorn. We chose The Lorax

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


We had our PTA sponsored Naturalist in Residence lesson with Mrs. Uebel this afternoon. We were looking at our wetlands pond and taking water samples.

First we looked at an aerial map of our school and wetlands. 

What a beautiful day for a nature lesson!

We learned that this is the lowest point of our school grounds and that's why the pond has water. 

Making observations about water depth.

Then we tested the temperature of the water with a thermometer. It was a chilly 46*.

Finally, we tested the pH levels of the water with litmus paper! How cool?! 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Marvelous Monday

Teen Numbers Game 

We learned a new teen number game to help us visualize that teen numbers are a group of ten and some ones. 

Annabelle and Iain make 12. They know that it is made up of a group of ten and 2 ones.

Logan and Merritt are checking to make sure their numbers match.

We Are Tooth Defenders 

This week is tooth week so we watched our Tooth Defender video and then we got to take home our very own Tooth Defender book and dental pack! 

Fantastic Friday

Dear Farmer Brown...

We wrote letters to farmer Brown today to tell him what Duck would have rather done instead of chores (going along with our story of the week). The solutions were hilarious! Duck would rather: eat cupcakes, go on the computer, be a duck, and so many more! What did your kindergartner say?

We're Going on a Dino Hunt!

Part of our dinosaur unit is labeling a bunch of dinosaurs. The little paleontolosigts were hunting for dinosaurs and labeling the ones they discovered! 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Science Fair is tonight!

We got to go see the science fair projects for a little sneak preview of tonight. Tonight, Chintimini Wildlife center, CV robotics, and many more will also be there! It will be a very fun night! 

Max did a project about bald eagles so he shared a little about his research. 

Mikaela did an awesome project about Spongebob. She showed how each character has a real matching animal that lives under the sea.  


Today was our first day as chemists! We learned that chemistry is a kind of science where we mix things together and observe the reactions and results.

We compared two kinds of playdoh: store bought and a not-so-good recipe. We got to play with each kind and make careful observations. 

These were our results:

We also started another experiment! We added food coloring to our daffodil's water. We learned that the stem's purpose is to carry water to the flower, so we hypothesized that the daffodil will turn red! We will keep you updated as we watch it! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cat in the Hat play

Today we had our LBCC field trip to watch "The Cat in the Hat". It was such a wonderful play. We read the book before we left and it was amazing to see it come to life. What was your child's favorite part of the play? 

Monday, February 15, 2016

What We Are Learning

This week we are starting our dinosaur unit! I am so excited! This is probably my favorite unit to teach (I seem to say that a lot!). We will be doing research on a variety of dinosaurs as a class, completing a book about what we learn, and individually doing more specific research to complete a digital project on our iPads.  

This is our dinosaur exploration area.

I showed the kids our main source of research today, Blendspace. I uploaded the videos and pictures into our "board" and the kids can access this spot with our QR code. Never has our classroom been so quiet! They loved it! 

We are also highlighting a new long a pattern -ai- like in rain, three new sight words, and a new story, Duck For President. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Valentine's Day Celebration

Today we celebrated Valentine's Day. We passed out Valentine's this morning, decorated cookies, watched a valentine movie and opened Valentine's this afternoon!